Ten Notable Piano Solos in Anime
There is no instrument that has dominated the soundtrack scene quite like the pianoforte. If you think about it, it’s
Read moreThere is no instrument that has dominated the soundtrack scene quite like the pianoforte. If you think about it, it’s
Read moreAlbum Title: ARIA The ORIGINATION Piano Collection II DIPARTENZA Anime Title: ARIA The ORIGINATION Artist: Takeshi Senoo, Mina Kubota, SONOROUS
Read moreAlbum Title: ARIA the Box Anime Title: ARIA the Animation; ARIA the Natural ARIA the Origination; ARIA the OVA ~Arietta~
Read moreArtwork by Qinni (thanks!). The further I progress into the 2000s, the more familiar the shows look and the more
Read moreSource: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=3978458 One of the feelings that I had expressed during Week 18 of the MALKeionbu was how ARIA’s music
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